Soup Kitchen

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Hot meals prepared in our soup kitchen are delivered primarily to the needy, students, the sick, the elderly, and the disabled.

Soup Kitchen

"A Fountain where The Devotees of Allah Do drink, making it Flow in unstinted abundance. 7. They5836 perform (their) vows, And they fear a Day Whose evil flies far and wide. 8. And they feed, for the love Of Allah, the indigent, The orphan, and the captive 9. (Saying), “We feed you For the sake of Allah alone: No reward do we desire From you, nor thanks.” Al Insan,7/9.

It is the basic duty of man to do goodness and beneficial works in our world, to touch a heart that is waiting for support, to be a salve for wounds, and to avoid bad and harmful works.

The Islamic civilization has been proudly keeping acts of charity and goodness alive for centuries. You can meet the nutritional needs of our needy siblings by pioneering cooperation and sharing with the food bank inherited from our ancestors.

Hot meals prepared in Türkiye Diyanet Foundation soup kitchens are delivered to the needy, students, the sick, the elderly, and the disabled. At the same time, in case of possible disasters and emergencies, the hot food needs of our aggrieved citizens are met.

Our foundation aims to increase the number of soup kitchens it will open through its branches and come to the aid of our needy citizens with hot food throughout the country.

You can also participate in this goodness mobilization and offer hot meals to our needy siblings.

A hot meal for one person (3 Types) costs 25 TL.

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